Jawa Barat - Purwakarta

Economical Clinical Mini Centrifuge D0412E

Harga :
Pengiriman :
3 hari sejak pembayaran
Lokasi :
Jawa Barat - Purwakarta
Dilihat :
4 Kali
Update Terakhir :
24-05-2019 08:46

Detail Produk

 Economical Clinical Mini Centrifuge D0412E
Economical Clinical Mini Centrifuge D0412E DM0412E is an economical centrifuge according to model DM0412, difference as follows and others is same: DM0412 is an Micro-computer control whereas, DM0412E is analog controlled. Micro-computer control gives high accuracy speed control. DM0412 has digital display whereas, DM0412E is Scale display.
DM0412 has build in with rpm/ rcf switch function. Whereas, DM0412E does not. DM0412 build with electrical lock whereas, DM0412E is mechanical lock. DM0412 is DC brushless motor, it is no pollution and free maintainance. Whereas, DM0412E is DC brush motor.
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